【IEEE Sapporo YP 広報】The 1st Hokkaido Young Professionals Workshop
The 1st Hokkaido Young Professionals Workshop will be held on October 14, 2021, Muroran and online. This workshop is organized by IEEE Sapporo Young Professionals (Sapporo YP), IEEE Muroran Institute of Technology Student Branch, and Emerging Networks and Systems Laboratory (ENeS), Muroran Institute of Technology. This workshop is supported by IEEE R10 Young Professionals New and Dormant Affinity Group Fund 2021.
IEEE Sapporo Section Young Professionals (YP00977) is established on March 20, 2020. Sapporo YP aims at expanding the membership of IEEE as well as increasing the popularity and influence of IEEE in Hokkaido. Moreover, Sapporo YP also considers supporting IEEE student members in their early careers who just graduate from universities in Hokkaido.
The nature of this workshop is to attract the attention of young researchers in Hokkaido area to our newly established Sapporo YP. Our workshop includes two keynote speeches given by distinguished young professionals sharing ideas on the latest research topics. Moreover, we hold a student presentation contest to encourage students to exercise their ability to give presentations as well as sharing opinions in researches. We fully consider the possible impact of COVID-19 and chose a hybrid mode for hold activities. Local audiences can join our events face-to-face while remote audiences can also experience the same content.
Please click the Zoom link right before the workshop on October 14, 2021.
● 14:45−14:55 Opening Remark by IEEE Sapporo YP Chair
● 14:55−15:55 Student Presentation Contest
● 15:55−16:15 Mini Quiz Session for Attendees
● 16:15−16:55 Keynote Speech 1: Design Techniques for Wireless Communication and Image Processing IP Cores
Prof. Hiroshi Tsutsui, Hokkaido University
● 16:55−17:05 Coffee Break
● 17:05−17:45 Keynote Speech 2: Silicon Photonics for Optical Processing Unit
Prof. Takanori Sato, Hokkaido University
● 17:45−17:50 Closing
● IEEE Sapporo YP
Chair: He Li (Muroran Institute of Technology)
Vice Chair: Takanori Sato (Hokkaido University)
Secretary: Xun Shao (Kitami Institute of Technology)
Treasurer: Jianwen Xu (Muroran Institute of Technology)
● Muroran IT SB
Chair: Zujun Tang Vice Chair: Jiong Dong
Secretary: Koki Furakawa Treasurer: Ayaka Oki
● ENeS Lab members
He Li (Sapporo YP Chair)
Assistant Professor
Department of Sciences and Informatics
Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
Email: heli@ieee.org