IEEE group medical insurance plan information

Dear IEEE Members,
Thank you for your patronage on IEEE group medical insurance plan. The premium and terms for 2019-2020 are negotiated and finalized between IEEE volunteer leaders and NICL. Please see the attached terms and premiums for 2019-2020. IEEE HQ is updating the web page and MediAssist (TPA) are working on the member enrolment pages to reflect these changes. We hope these to be ready in a day or two. We will inform you as soon as these become ready. Request you to renew the insurance enrolment by 27-Mar-2019 and also spread the word in your circles to have more enrolments. If we get more enrolments (over 1,000 v/s last years' 500+), the premiums and terms will get better going forward.
Premium Table for policy from 01-Apr-2019 to 31-Mar-2020