IEEE Electronics Design Competition for University Undergraduate Students

IEEE Electronics Design Competition for University Undergraduate Students
Organized by the IEEE Sri Lanka Section
Date: 28th October 2018
Competition will start at 8:30 a.m. and will end at 4:30 p.m.
This activity is aimed at popularizing IEEE among the student community as well as to boost the electronic design interest and capabilities of Sri Lankan university students.
Design Task:
An electronic circuit design task chosen by the IEEE SL Executive Committee.
Groups of up to 3 undergraduate students per team with at least one IEEE student member (membership should be active on the registration deadline - 7th October 2018) in the team will complete the design task within 8 hours. The competition will be concurrently held at four institutes: University of Peradeniya, University of Moratuwa, University of Ruhuna, and Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. The competitors will be invigilated by university lecturers and industry professionals throughout the competition. Necessary electronic components, circuit boards, a notebook, power supplies, equipment (Oscilloscope, function generator, soldering iron, etc.), and access to the Internet will be provided.
Cash prizes as well as certificates will be awarded to the winners at the IEEE Sri Lanka Section Annual General Meeting 2019. All the participants will receive certificates of participation.
Please fill the following google form before the registration deadline.
Deadline for registration: 07th October 2018
Depending on the lab setups available in each University, the maximum number of groups hosted by each University will be limited. Therefore, if there are more registrants than available number of setups, first-come first-served basis (based on the timestamp of the email to register) will be used to choose the groups to participate in the competition. Therefore, register as early as possible to avoid being left out from the competition.
Contact Details:
Dr. Udayanga Hemapala,
Coordinator of the Electronic Design Competition, IEEE Sri Lanka Section