2018 GreenTech of Smart City, April 4-6, Austin Texas

Dear Life Members,

I was looking for an excuse to test the eNotice system, and then received this email.

If you are talking to your Life Member friends and they did not receive it, please let me know their email. It means I shall have to check the IEEE database.

-John Harris

 Canada Life Member Chair


From: Fawzi Behmann <f.behmann@ieee.org>

 I’ve lived in Canada for over 30 years in Montreal, Toronto, Waterloo and Ottawa. Since I moved to Austin, I’ve been involved in IEEE and currently I’m chairing 2018 GreenTech conference of Smart city that will take place in Austin, April 4-6.

The purpose of this email is to bring awareness and seek participation from our Canadian Friends to the GreenTech Conference.

I seek your help to have the following text and flyer circulated to the Life Members in Canada. [text reduced, flyer not attached JH]

I’m pleased to offer 20% discount on the rate with a supplied discount code.


2018 IEEE Annual Green Technologies Conference

The IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech) is now in its 10th year, and the hope is to draw insights and encourage collaboration from many disciplines and backgrounds in order to address the most pressing challenges of our time–securing green and clean energy sources for the 21st century.

The 2018 IEEE Green Technologies Conference theme is “Smart City.”

Smart cities seek to increase efficiency and improve quality of life by creating systems that reduce costs and improve services through connectivity and automation, incorporating techniques from sensing to analytics and leveraging the complementary technologies of IoT, wireless, and virtualization to deliver scalable, trusted and reliable solutions.

A rich conference program has been carefully developed that include: 5 keynote speakers from government and industry, over 24 panel and speaker sessions on diverse topical areas, along with 35 technical researched papers as well as 5 workshops. The conference will have exhibits, organized 2 technical tours and social/networking opportunities.


Please visit the conference site for more details https://ieeegreentech.org/


Fawzi Behmann

Chair, 2018 GreenTech of Smart City, April 4-6, Austin