2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics Asia- ICCEASIA 2017

Dear Colleague,
The IEEE ICCE-Asia 2017 Program Committee invites Academia, Industry participants, Researchers and Students from all regions of the world, to present their latest work in 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics Asia (ICCEASIA 2017), with the theme of "Intelligent Living through Smart Technology”, to be held during 5- to 7 October 2017 in Bengaluru, India.
All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore.
Please visit this link for more details - http://www.icce-asia2017.org/
Important dates
Full Paper Submission deadline - June 1st, 2017
Notification deadline - July 31st, 2017
Camera-ready deadline - August 31st 2017
The IEEE has long stood for the highest levels of technical achievement. And ICCE, the premier conference of the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, maintains that tradition of excellence in the consumer electronics space. The ICCE Asia 2017 conference is the corridor access to established & emerging industries, scholar institutions and early-career researchers.
With strong support from IEEE worldwide, and the local industry in India, ICCE-Asia 2017 is expected to successfully deliberate on the theme 'Intelligent Living through Smart Technology' with an international audience. In addition to paper presentation sessions, ICCE-Asia 2017 will feature an unique blend of intense workshops, high profile keynote sessions, new product demonstrations and launches.
ICCE-Asia 2017 is soliciting papers in the following areas, but not limited to:
IoT, Cloud computing, and On-Demand Experiences
Novel Data Models, Algorithms, Architectures & Applications, Data Security, Smart cities, Intelligent Transportation, Low power/low latency systems for IoT, Sensors, Software, Standards, Protocols & Frameworks
Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning for CE Applications
Machine learning Algorithms, Frameworks, Applications, NLP, Smartphones and mobile computing, Cognitive computing, GPU systems for Learning, Emerging HW Architectures for Learning
Semiconductor Design for next-gen CE Systems
Low power Analog/Digital Circuits & Systems, RF integration, SoC Design & Applications, Novel materials and Components for low power Semiconductors, MEMS, SW/HW Co-design
Robotics, Drones, Automation Technology and Interfaces
ML/AI techniques, Computer Vision and Image Processing advances, Swarm techniques, Path mapping in Unmanned vehicles, Humanoids and Interaction, Simulation Techniques, NLP, HW & SW Architectures
Automotive CE Technologies
Telematics, Infotainment, Safety, Assisted and Autonomous driving, 3D Graphics Frameworks, Human Machine Interfaces, Biometrics, Sensors and hybrid architectures for fast Sensor processing
Emerging Technologies
Consumer 3D Printing and Services, Augmented and Virtual Reality – Novel Capture and Render techniques, HW, SW, Applications for Advanced Multimedia processing for Mobile, Home and Automotive
Special sessions / Tutorials
Special session/ Tutorial proposals are invited. Proposals should be directed to TPC Chair (tpc@icce-asia2017.org). Proposals needs to be submitted by May 15th, 2017. Template can be found at the conference web page.
Best Conference Paper Awards
The authors of best papers will be presented Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards.
Paper submission and Schedule
Prospective authors can submit papers through EDAS ( http://edas.info/N23524 ) following the guidelines in the conference website. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE-Xplore.
Warm Regards,
Organizing Committee,ICCE-Asia 2017