Newsletter (March 2017)

  1. Seminars/Webinars

    “The Art of Effectively Communicating Complex, Highly Technical Work in Three Minutes”.
    The IEEE is hosting a one hour webinar that McMaster's John Bandler and graduate student Ana Kovacevic are holding, along with Erin Kiley.
    Date/Time: Tuesday, March 28, 2017, noon EDT.

    For more information and registration (required), see link

    "As we draw on our experiences with 3MT®, including aspects of organizing, mentoring and competing, our webinar addresses important topics in the art of effective live communication of complex technical material in language suited to a non-specialist audience. "

  2. Volunteering.
    The Section is looking for members and graduate student members to help with volunteering.
    Volunteering helps boost your resume by showing initiative, helps build a track record in a specific cause, and expands your network of academic and private sector contacts. It also allows developing new job skills, and applying current skills.
    Positions vary from time to time. They include section chapter executives, affinity group participation such as Young Professionals and WIE , and representing the IEEE as judges in local science/engineering events (e.g., BASEF, NSF.)
    In Hamilton Section, active chapters  include the Communications, IT and Signal Processing Society "superchapter", and Power Engineering/Power Electronics.
    Current open section executive positions include Educational Activities (e.g., looking for speakers of interest), Consultants Network. Humanitarian Initiatives, and History (we have an active Google maps project.) These positions interact with similar executives in other sections across Canada.
    If you are interested, please email me with your contact info, and areas of interest.


Jim Kozlowski

IEEE Hamilton Section Chair 2017