Reminder: Registration is open for IEEE ANTEM 2025 (St. John's)

We are pleased to inform you that the registration has been open for the IEEE 20th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM) 2025, which is co-sponsored by IEEE Canada, IEEE APS, MTT-S, and NL Section, will take place on 20-23 July 2025, in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. 

ANTEM is a premier event for networking, exchanging ideas, & identifying future trends and developments in antennas, propagation & applied electromagnetics. The program will include 5 plenary/keynote speeches, several distinguished lectures, many sessions on leading edge topics, student paper and Women in Engineering (WIE) paper competitions along with some exciting social events. Fantastic group tours (e.g., boat tour for whale watching, bus tour for city sightseeing) are also being planned for conference attendees and their accompanying guests.

ANTEM2025 promotes the merging of Academic, Engineering and Manufacturing aspects of Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics. Sponsors and providers of commercial products are welcome to participate in the exhibition with promotional displays, promotional presentations and technical papers that show test data or field operations. A special session will enable 'Gold' package sponsors and exhibitors to make brief promotional presentations in the symposium.

Important deadlines for registrations are:

1 April, 2025: author registration and final paper uploading

1 May, 2025: early bird registration

Please see detailed registration information at

We look forward to seeing you at IEEE ANTEM 2025 in St. John’s.

Weimin Huang, Eric Gill

Chairs, IEEE ANTEM 2025