Reminder: Invitation to submit proposals for possible activities or projects

Hello IEEE Member  

IEEE Region 3 Excom team is excited to share that the MGA is inviting Regions, Sections, Chapters, & MGA Committees to submit proposals for possible activities or projects that may be funded under the 50% spending rule in 2025, as specified in IEEE FOM Section 2.B.6.e:


 "Provided the IEEE Reserves, as of 31 December of the preceding year, exceed the Lower Reserves Target (per FOM 4.C), each major organizational unit whose reserve to expense ratio for such year exceeds 50% shall be allowed to use up to 50% of its preceding year’s operational surplus (excluding investment returns) as part of the forecasting process.

This funding would be intended for new initiative activities (activities with a limited expected life of one to three years).  Items normally carried within the budget (including items that have been considered operational, such as, staffing, existing publications, member services, governance activities, awards, etc.) shall not be funded under this rule.  In addition, any activities funded under this rule shall be completed during the current year unless provided for in the following year’s approved budget."


Please share this opportunity with the chapter chairs, student branches, volunteers, and others in your sections.  The funding guidelines, exceptions, proposal requirements, and additional information is below.

Guidelines on Requesting MGA Surplus Funding

  • Projects must be completed in the current year

  • Submissions must be received no later than February 19, 2025

  • Multi-region projects are encouraged

  • MGA FinCom will recommend a maximum amount of funding for all projects to the MGAB

  • Compliance with the FOM rules will be reviewed by MGA FinCom

  • If compliant, projects will be reviewed and ranked by MGA OpCom and recommended to the MGA Board for approval in June

  • Submitting a request does not preclude the use of Region funds for projects that are outside of these guidelines

  • It is encouraged that Region funds also be used to co-fund the proposed projects


  • If a project requires software development, it will be subject to available resources

  • As specified in the IEEE FOM, awards shall not be funded under this spending rule

  • Projects of less than $10,000 will not be considered

Proposal Requirements

  1. Project Title

  2. Project Lead Name

  3. Description: Include how the requested funds would be expended, anticipated participation, and the desired outcome

  4. Does the project involve more than one Region – (if yes, please name Regions)

  5. How project shall address member engagement, member retention, member recruitment

  6. Description of the short-term and long-term impact of the project 

  7. Project Budget (USD)

    1. Split % of the budget (Region/MGA)

  8. Software requirements, if any

  9. Estimated start/completion dates

  10. Additional sections/comments


NOTE:  The committee will review all proposals and provide any necessary feedback to submitters.


  • Please use the Word template attached for your proposal. 

  • Please ensure the proposal is complete.

  • Proposals should be emailed to Gokul Pandy ( ) and  Jayanna Hallur ( )


Please feel free to contact us for any questions.

Thank you,

Jayanna Hallur

IEEE Region 3 - Richmond Section General Secretary

IEEE Senior Member