Boise SSCS (chapter name ?) and ISSCC 2025 Chapters Luncheon

SSCS would like to invite you to the Chapters Luncheon at the 2025 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) from 12:00PM-2:00PM (local time) in the SoMa Meeting Room at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis, San Francisco, CA on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.

First one to respond will reprent the Section


A reminder to renew your IEEE Membership for 2025.


Naming Convention for the Boise Section: 

  1.  High Desert SSCS ?
  2.  SOC in SSCS ?  [SiS]  (short, open, closed)
  3.  TV-SSCS (Treasured Valley SSCS) ?  [yes, "treasured"]
  4.  SSCS Technologists of Idaho (STI) ?
  5.  others (please, don't be shy) ?

Please, let me know yourthoughts for naming our Section SSCS.

Randy . . .