Modifications in Nomination Process 2024

Dear Voting Members

IEEE Pune Section

Through vTools you must have received Call for nomination  for IEEE Pune Section  Signed by Chair Election Committee.

The time line for submitting due nomination through online nomination portal of vTools is 30th October 2024 as declared earlier.

The process of nomination is  now online and not through procedure mentioned in call for nomination issued on 1st October 2024.

It is observed that all actions of receiving nominations, petitions, voting etc. are now in online mode only through vTools. Hence follow the guideline vTools  given in  email received by you issued by vTools.

The link is reproduced here for your convenience.

Currently, members can self-nominate, nominate another member, or be nominated by another member of the Section.

Members should log in to using their IEEE Account.
Once logged in, click on the blue button that says “Accepting Nominations”:

You will be presented with a form where you can self-nominate, or, you may instead enter another member number to nominate someone else. You may select as many positions as desired for yourself or the member you are nominating. Complete the form and click “Submit” at the bottom of the page.

You will then be presented with a screen that shows you have submitted your self-nomination, or, if you nominated someone else, the banner will show that your nomination has been submitted, and that the nominee will receive an email to confirm their nomination:

The email you (or your nominee) receives will have link for completing nomination form by adding Biography, position statement  and consent etc.

Inside the banner at the top of the page, there is a link where you can update your bio and position statement(s) for the position(s) you selected. If you nominated someone else, they will get a notification with a link to update their own bio and position statement(s). Click the link to update your information.

If desired, you may also add another position to your nomination. To do this, click the “Add Position” button, select the new position from the drop-down menu, and complete your position statement for the new position.

Complete the form and click “Submit” at the bottom of the screen. You will see a banner saying that your changes have been submitted. You can update your information anytime before the deadline listed in the banner:

If you are done, you can now log out of the application.

Do not follow the  processes indicated in earlier e-notice

Election Committee

IEEE Pune Section