[IEEE Boise Computer Society] Call for Nominations

Dear Boise Computer Society Chapter Members,

We are pleased to announce the Boise Computer Society Chapter Election. Candidate nominations are now being accepted for the election of our chapter officers for 2025. We are seeking nominations for the following elected positions.

  • Chair
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary

The responsibilities of each position are described in the IEEE Member & Geographic Activities (MGA) Operations Manual, Section 9.7.D.

Nominees must be IEEE members of the Boise Computer Society Chapter as of 1 Oct 2024 and be of Graduate Student Member, Member, Senior Member, Life Member, or Fellow grade.

The nomination deadline is November 1st, 2024. The Petition opening will be announced to all eligible members and the deadline to place petitions will be November 15th. Voting will be held utilizing vTools.

Please send an email to me at gary@garystringham.com to nominate yourself or another member. Self-nominations are encouraged! Volunteering to be a chapter officer is a great way to help give back to the engineering community. With nominations, we ask each candidate to present a biography and a position statement.



Election Committee, Chair
Gary Stringham