IEEE North Jersey Section Newsletter - September 2024
Dear Members of the IEEE North Jersey Section,
Please follow the link for the IEEE North Jersey Section Newsletter [PDF] or see the attached PDF.
Please check out the vTools link for the latest updates.
- Please check the links in the Newsletter or go directly to https:// wibp_calendar/index/R10327 - For general information on the IEEE North Jersey Section, please visit:
northjersey/ - The Section Executive Committee roster is at: https://webinabox.vtools. R10327 - The Newsletters are archived at
Jersey_Section_History# Archival_documents
For posting events on vTools:
- Please upload events to vTools for inclusion in the monthly newsletter before the deadline every month
- The deadline for the October 2024 Newsletter is September 20, 2024
- Events that are created on vTools after the deadline may not appear in the newsletter
- Events must be on vTools and are not required to be emailed to the editor
- For any special events, flyers, or articles, please send an email to Anisha Apte at
Remember to provide the following:
- Sponsoring society/chapter/committee names,
- Contact person information,
- Location with the link for directions,
- Date, Time
- Speaker
If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in receiving the IEEE North Jersey Section Newsletter electronically and who are not a member of the IEEE (or not a member of the IEEE North Jersey Section), please forward this e-mail and suggest them to subscribe to our 'Newsletter' by sending an e-mail to, with the body containing "subscribe northjerseypublic"
For the PDF of the Newsletters, please visit the IEEE North Jersey Section Website at Newsletters – IEEE North Jersey Section.