Call for IEEE Boise Computer Society Chapter Election Committee Members

Call for IEEE Boise Computer Society Chapter Election Committee Members

The Boise Computer Society Chapter is currently putting an Election Committee in place to facilitate officer elections to be held in November-December this year.

The Election Committee will comprise at least two (2) Boise Computer Society Chapter members who are NOT current Chapter officers and up to one (1) current officer who is NOT putting themselves forward for consideration for the slate of officer positions. The Election Committee members must be Graduate Student Members, Members, Senior Members, or Fellow grades.

Serving on the Election Committee is straightforward and not time-intensive.

The process is as follows:

  1. A Call for nominations is issued to all voting members of the Chapter, and nominations should be submitted within four weeks (including position statements and biographies). Self-nominations are allowed.
  2. Candidates for officer positions (Chair, Vice-Chair, & Secretary) must be of Graduate Student Member, Member, Senior Member, or Fellow grade.
  3. The Election Committee verifies the candidates' eligibility and willingness to serve and prepares a slate of eligible candidates for each officer position following MGA Operational Manual (see  - 9.13 GEOGRAPHIC UNIT ELECTIONS).
  4. The slate is circulated to Chapter Members to vote using the IEEE vTools Voting tool. Votes are counted, and results will be shared with candidates, Chapter members, and Section leadership following the completion of the election period in December.

A briefing will be provided to the Election Committee members (which will consist, at least, of an Election Committee Chair, Teller, and Member) to ensure they understand their respective roles and responsibilities.

If you wish to serve on the Chapter Election Committee, please contact me by Friday, September 13th.

Best regards,

Chris Gunning
Chapter Chair, Boise Computer Society