Reminder IEEE MTT-S Guadalajara Chapter Members Survey

Dear IEEE MTT-S Guadalajara Chapter Members,

 We hope this message finds you well. As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the value and experience of our chapter for all members, we are reaching out to gather your insights and opinions.

We invite you to participate in a brief survey aimed at understanding your interest in participating more actively in chapter meetings and planning, as well as to collect your thoughts on various aspects of the chapter's activities and initiatives.

Your feedback is crucial in helping us improve and tailor our programs to better meet your needs and expectations. The survey will take only a few minutes of your time, and your responses will be invaluable in shaping the future of our chapter.

 We greatly appreciate your time and input. Together, we can make our IEEE MTT-S Guadalajara Chapter even more engaging and impactful.

 Participation Survey



Thank you for your participation!

 Best regards,

 Edna Moreno  

Chapter Chair  

IEEE MTT-S Guadalajara Chapter