Celebration of WTISD 2024 on 25th May, 2024 at 6 pm


Greetings !!!!!! 

To Celebrate the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) 

"On World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, let us commit to working together to ensure that technology is equitable, safe, and affordable for all people and all ages."

A Live Webinar on "Digital Technologies for Sustainable Development"

In its 11th edition, this unique joint hosting event is presented by:

IEI Pune Local Centre,
IEEE Pune Section,
IETE Pune Centre, &
IET Pune Local Network

 Theme Speaker :  Dr. Aloknath De,
CTO-Xtrans Solutions,
Adjunct Prof. IISc Bangalore
CTO & CVP (Retd), Samsung

Please join us on
Date :Sat 25th May, 2024
Time :5.55 PM to 8 PM

WebEx Link to join WTISD 2024:

Meeting number: 2536 185 8626
Meeting password: 123456
WTISD 2024 Team
