Reminder: IEEE Standards Association - opportunities of potential interest

Just want the broader Section to be aware of some forthcoming Standards development opportunities that may be of interest.

If you are confused by some of  the titles, you are not alone as this is why there is a review process.

Randy . . .

The LS-DLM working group has been formed and P3378 is underway:
  • Large-scale Deep Learning Model (C/AISC/LS-DLM)
    • Entity WG
  • P3378 - Framework and Process for Large-Scale Deep Learning Model Evaluation
    • project under way
    • technical reference architecture of large scale deep learning models.
PARS with 3378 identifiers:
  • P3378.2 - Technical Requirements for Large-Scale Deep Learning Models
  • P3378.3 - Technical Requirements for Large Multimodal Models
  • P3378.4 - Large Models for Data
  • P3378.5 - Security Requirements of Artificial Intelligence Large Models
  • P3378.6 - Artificial Intelligence Large Models for Coding
PARs related to power industry
  • P3378.7 - Requirements for Artificial Intelligence Large Models in Power Industry
  • P3488 - AI-based Data Sample Labeling and Management for Transmission and Distribution Lines
  • P3489 -  Image Recognition Algorithm for Power Line Hidden Danger Monitoring
Other PARs
  • P3481 - Cybersecurity-specific Large Language Models
  • P3497 - Performance Benchmarking for Artificial Intelligence for Data Base
    P3482 - missing - 3D Digital Human Modeling and Driving Technical Requirements Based on Large Models

IEEE Standards Association