Under Don’s leadership, the IEEE Fellow Committee has planned a full implementation of the BoD approved improvements, particularly specific measures for geographical and technical diversity measures and DE&I. The IEEE fellow grade is a prestigious recognition by the IEEE Board of Directors to a single individual for his or her technical accomplishments and contributions impacting society at large. It commands global acclaim and is a prestigious honor eagerly pursued by individuals worldwide.  How do you answer the question then: Am I qualified to be considered for an IEEE fellow, particularly, as a member from industry? What is the best way to prepare a nomination package? This talk by Dr. Tan will provide a unique perspective from an IEEE Fellow Committee Immediate Past Chair's viewpoint. It aims to demystify the fellow nomination and evaluation process. He will discuss on recent fellow statistics (Particularly those for Region 7), nomination package preparation, contribution category selection, references, endorsements, and qualification matrix details. A few samples from past successful nominations will be presented and discussed as well.