IEEE North Jersey Section Newsletter - September 2023

Dear Members of the IEEE North Jersey Section,
Please find attached herewith, the IEEE North Jersey Section Newsletter for September 2023
Please check out the vTools link for the latest updates.
For posting events on vTools:
  • Please upload events to vTools for inclusion in the monthly newsletter, before the deadline every month
  • The deadline for the October 2023 Newsletter is September 22nd, 2023
    • Events that are created on vTools after the deadline may not appear in the newsletter
  • Events must be on vTools and are not required to be emailed to the editor
  • For any special events, flyers, or articles: please send an email to Anisha Apte at
Remember to provide the following:
  • Sponsoring society/chapter/committee names,
  • Contact person information,
  • Location with the link for online or for directions,
  • Date, Time
  • Speaker
If you have colleagues or friends who may be interested in receiving the IEEE North Jersey Section Newsletter electronically, and who are not a member of the IEEE (or not a member of the IEEE North Jersey Section), please forward this e-mail and suggest them to subscribe to our 'Newsletter' by sending an e-mail to, with the body containing "subscribe northjerseypublic"
For the previous Newsletters please visit the IEEE North Jersey Section Website at Newsletters – IEEE North Jersey Section
