Nov-Dec 2022

![]() November/December 2022 Volume 13 Issue 6
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Local Events News Interesting Links
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GET INVOLVED!! Whether you are active in IEEE ExCom, are a chair of a technical society, or just a paying member, we thank you for being a part of something that we think is pretty great. If you want to get more involved, you know where to find us! And if you just want to enjoy the hard (and not-so-hard) work of our volunteers by attending our events we would love that even more! Take advantage of the monthly volunteering efforts we have put together for you. Try something new, meet some new people, and learn something new by listening to a distinguished lecturer. Oh, and thank you for being a reader of our newsletter! |
ExCom Meetings We are going back to in-person meetings. We will continue to offer virtual for those unable or uncomfortable with being there. Notices will be sent when they will be held. We will advise everyone when they are back in person. Recent ExCom Actions
New! - eBooks Private Networks for Utilities & Energy Companies Guide to Computer Network Security Bringing flexible and Convenient eSIM Connectivity to Massive IoT Deployments Private Networks for Manufacturing
In This Issue Conferences/Summits/Call for Papers/Workshops/Tutorials NEW!! IEEE Conferences The following like takes you to the full listing of IEEE USA 2022 conferences |
New! - eBooks
IEEE Denver PES/IAS represented at the PES GM 2022
Giancarlo Leone, chair of IEEE Denver Section PES/IAS Chapter, and Hassaan Idrees presented about their experiences as part of the host chapter's Local Organizing Committee at the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) General Meeting (GM) 2022 held at Sheraton Downtown Denver from July 17th through 21st.
They spoke about the challenges on organizing a conference in a post-pandemic world, the resources they were able to utilize, and the support they received from within the industry and academic circles of the Denver Section.
The PES GM 2022, which kicked off with a warm welcome reception at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, was touted a big success, with more than 2000 attendees in presence throughout the five-day event. The technical talks, late-breaking and super sessions, paper and poster presentations, and the plenary talks attracted a wide variety of audience, including a sizable international presence. The conference concluded with the next iteration scheduled to be held in Orlando, FL in the summer of 2023.
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Message from Jim Sipes, Chair, IEEE Denver Section, Jim Sipes -
Happy New Year, and welcome to 2023!
As of January 1, 2023, I am now Immediate Past Chair of the Denver Section, and this message will be my last act as the 2021-2022 Chair. Congratulations to the new Chair, Jeff Hardy!
The past year, 2022, has been a year of moving back to a state of near-normalcy as the section and most of the chapters and groups have evolved toward more in-person activities, although the learnings from the pandemic period about the value of virtual and hybrid meetings, particularly across geographic distances, continue to be applied.
As mentioned in the last newsletter, the section held a family picnic at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds on October 29. The weather was perfect, and we had 66 members, guests, and student members in attendance. Reviews from those who attended were uniformly great with many requests to make it an annual event. Special recognition goes to Jim Harrer, Yvonne Gray, Eric Ericson, and many others who volunteered to make it a successful day.
Also, following up from the last newsletter, the section held an election of new officers in November. Congratulations to Sarah Beckman, past secretary, who was elected Vice Chair, and Michele Miller, who was elected Treasurer. I’d also like to recognize and thank Avijit Saha, outgoing Treasurer, for his work over the past several years to keep the section financially afloat. We still have an opening at section Secretary, as no candidates were identified, so if anyone has an interest in stepping up to take on that role, they would be welcomed.
A senior member upgrade event was held in October as an opportunity for members who qualified to have support in applying for senior member upgrade. As a result of that event, as well as others applying, 10 members were approved for elevation at the November meeting of the review committee. Congratulations to Jeff Broderick, Philip Gold, Rishabh Jain, Dean Levi, Paritosh Manurkar, Laila Marzall, Dimitry Mikhailov, Deepthi Vaidhynathan, Xiaoli Zhang, and Michael Zinanti on your elevation to senior membership. In addition, at the September meeting of the Senior Member Upgrade review committee, four section members were approved for upgrade. Congratulations also to Olubayo Babatunde, Lakhbir Singh, Arun Sukumaran Nair, and Kevin Vannorsdel on your elevation to senior membership. This brings us to a total of 29 members of the Denver Section whose professional contributions were recognized by elevation to senior member in 2022.
The section maintains a list of senior members who have volunteered to serve as references for members who are applying for the upgrade. If you are a senior member and interested in serving as a reference for candidates, or are interested in applying for the upgrade to senior member, please send a note to Jeff Hardy at or me at I urge all who may be eligible for the upgrade to apply. Requirements for the upgrade can be found at
Planning for the 2023 Green Technologies Conference and Region 5 Annual Meeting and Student Competitions, to be held in Denver on April 19 – 23, 2023, continues. We will need many more volunteers to make these conferences a success. Details on the conferences are at and, and the call for volunteers is at . Please join us in putting together these conferences.
As always, we continue to have many opportunities to contribute as a volunteer to the Section or to your Chapter/Group of choice, and all members of the section are welcome at the monthly ExCom meetings on the third Tuesday of the month (except July and December). We are holding these now as hybrid meetings, so you are welcome to join us in person for dinner (on the Section) and a discussion of Section activities or join us online via Webex (but no free DoorDash!). Watch for the eNotices announcing the meetings to see the details.
There is a listing of the current chapters and groups supported by the Denver Section on the Section’s website,, under the menu heading Denver Groups. Contacts for each of the chapters/groups are available on the individual chapter/group websites.
In closing, I’d like to thank my fellow section officers and the section membership for their support over my past two years as section chair. I am passing the baton to Jeff with mixed feelings – happy to be moving on to new challenges, and sad to be leaving the role. But I have great confidence in Jeff and the other new officers to continue the success of the section, and, as I told Jeff, I’m not going anywhere.
Until we meet again, stay safe.
From the Editor's Desk, Ernest Worthman -
Happy New Year, everyone. I have been slammed the last part of 2022 so I thought I'd take a break from my column this issue. But I do want to wish you all a prosperous and happy 2023 and hope things get on a better track, globally, next year.
Follow IEEE-Denver on Social Media! Facebook Page LinkedIn Group LinkedIn Page Follow along with the local events and happenings of your IEEE Denver section by subscribing on social media. And don't forget to "like" and share your favorite posts! |
AGL eDigest Newsletter – We are currently offline. will be returning around the first of the year |
6G world - A Look Into the Next Generation of Wireless |
Hot Topics
On the Edge: Next-generation IoT connectivity platforms: powering IoT into the future | Insight: Why is low Iq so essential in battery powered applications? By Steve Tarranovich |
Guest Column: Welcome to the GigaHood | Tech Talk: I&Q Mixers, image reject down-conversion and single sideband (SSB) up-conversion |
Technical Articles, Reports, App Notes, and While Papers |
Security Throughout the Semiconductor Lifecycle. By Siemens |
Application of Big Data Clustering Algorithm in Electrical Engineering Automation. By Yongchang Zhang and Zhe Zhang |
The Journey to Software- Defined Vehicles. By WardsAuto/Sonatus |
A Journey Towards Next Generation: 6G. By Saifullah, Umar Ajaib Khan, Zhi Ren, A. Azeem, Riaz Waqar |
Challenges and Opportunities in Edge Computing. By Blesson Varghese, Nan Wang, Sakil Barbhuiya, Peter Kilpatrick and Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos |
Buck Regulators Quench Current-Loop Transmitter’s Power Thirst. By Zhongming Ye and Juan-G. Aranda |
Cybersecurity Risks, Trends & Market Intelligence. By Maxine Holt |
In machine learning, synthetic data can offer real performance improvements. By Adam Zewe |
Application of Big Data Clustering Algorithm in Electrical Engineering Automation. By Yongchang Zhang and Zhe Zhang |
Call for Nominations The IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Nominations and Appointments (N&A) Committee is soliciting nominations for 2023 MGA committee member and liaison positions. These include: MGA Committee Chair:
MGA Committee Members
MGA appointments to other organizational unit boards/committees
Each IEEE Region is encouraged to submit nominations to help ensure that MGA is globally balanced. Self-nominations are encouraged. IEEE-USA Awards Every year, IEEE-USA Awards are given to recognize professionalism, technical achievement, and literary contributions to public awareness and understanding of the engineering profession in the United States. IEEE-USA has authorized the presentation of Awards and Recognition for the purpose of recognizing excellence, outstanding service and contributions in furtherance of its objectives. The awards are administered by IEEE-USA’s Awards and Recognition Committee and have been approved by the IEEE Awards Board and the IEEE Board of Directors. In addition to IEEE-USA awards, other forms of recognition are also available, including awards from other entities within IEEE and also outside the organization. The nominations window for 2023 awards will open 1 April 2023.More info: The 15th Annual IEEE Green Technologies Conference will be hosted in Denver, Colorado on 29-21 April 2023. Conferences/Summits/Call for Papers/Workshops/Tutorials IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetics and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO 2023 - Hybrid conference): 28-30 June 2023, Winnipeg, Canada
2023 IEEE 13th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC The 2023 IEEE 13th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (IEEE CCWC 2023) will be held during 8-11 March 2023. This year due to the COVID-19 pandemic we will be hosting the conference virtually to maintain continuity. IMPORTANT DEADLINES CONFERENCE URL: REGISTRATION: SUBMISSION: SPI Workshop on Signa land Power Integrity
We invite you to submit a paper to the 2023 IEEE 27th Workshop on Signal and Power Integrity (SPI), to be held during 7-10 May, 2023, in the beautiful city of Aveiro, Portugal ( Deadline for paper submission is 31 January, 2023. Authors of best papers will have the opportunity to submit an extended version of their work for publication in a special section of the IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. Looking forward to meeting you in Aveiro, (Conference secretariat: International Conference on Communications. The 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2023) will be held in Rome, Italy from 28 May to 1 June. Themed “Sustainable Communications for Renaissance." We are currently accepting papers for the following technical symposia:
Paper Submission Deadline: 1 November 2022 Internet of Things (IoT) Summit at RWW2023, 25 January - 3 February 2023 // Las Vegas, NV // USA
The 6th IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Vertical and Topical Summit at RWW2023 is a six-day event. The program will be delivered in two parts. The first part is a hybrid event consisting of two sessions on the afternoon of January 25, 2023, held face to face in Las Vegas, Nevada USA, and virtually live online from remote locations. The second part is a week of virtual live online single daily sessions from January 30 – February 3, 2023. The theme for the IEEE IoT V&T Summit at RWW2023 is “Quantum Information Technologies for IoT” For more information and registration, click belowThe IEEE Denver Section is comprised of over 3600 engineers and technical professionals in the Denver - Boulder area. Mission Statement Enrich the professional and personal lives of the Rocky Mountain Region members, developing them into valued contributors to society through quality programs, continuing education, career development and community service; in collaboration with IEEE, industry, government and academia.