GEEK GIRLS Inequality and Opportunity in Silicon Valley by France Winddance Twine
NYU Press | Hardcover | 9781479803828 | 296 pp. | 8 B&W illus. | Social Science | May 10th, 2022
Why is being a computer “geek” still perceived to be a masculine occupation? Why do men continue to greatly outnumber women in the high-technology industry? Since 2014, a growing number of employment discrimination lawsuits has called attention to a persistent pattern of gender discrimination in the tech world. Much has been written about the industry’s failure to adequately address gender and racial inequalities, yet rarely have we gotten an intimate look inside these companies. In Geek Girls, France Winddance Twine provides the first book by a sociologist that “lifts the Silicon veil” to provide firsthand accounts of inequality and opportunity in the tech ecosystem. This work draws on close to a hundred interviews with male and female technology workers of diverse racial, ethnic, and educational backgrounds who are currently employed at tech firms such as Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter, and at various start-ups in the San Francisco Bay area. Geek Girls captures what it is like to work as a technically skilled woman in Silicon Valley.
With a sharp eye for detail and compelling testimonials from industry insiders, Twine shows how the technology industry remains rigged against women, especially Black, Latinx, and Native American women from working-class backgrounds. From recruitment and hiring practices that give priority to those with family, friends, and classmates employed in the industry, to social and educational segregation, to academic prestige hierarchies, Twine reveals how women are blocked from entering this industry. Women who do not belong to the dominant ethnic groups in the industry are denied employment opportunities, and even actively pushed out, despite their technical skills and qualifications.
While the technology firms strongly embrace the rhetoric of diversity and oppose discrimination in the workplace, Twine argues that closed social networks and routine hiring practices described by employees reinforce the status quo and reproduce inequality. The myth of meritocracy and gender stereotypes operate in tandem to produce a culture where the use of race-, color-, and power-evasive language makes it difficult for individuals to name the micro-aggressions and forms of discrimination that they experience.
Twine offers concrete insights into how the technology industry can address ongoing racial and gender disparities, create more transparency and empower women from underrepresented groups, who continued to be denied opportunities.
About the Author: France Winddance Twine is a Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She is the author and a co-editor of ten books, including Outsourcing the Womb: Race, Class and Gestational Surrogacy in a Global Market and A White Side of Black Britain: Interracial Intimacy and Racial Literacy. (Pronouns: she/her/hers)
IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference 2022 - June 6-7 | San Diego, CA, USA | Hybrid
IEEE WIE ILC attendees are mid-to senior level professional women in technology seeking to advance their leadership skills and network with other professionals. We want the talks to reflect information or skills that our attendees need to improve their lives, whether that improvement is a new technical, management, or organizational skill. We also want our speakers to be as diverse and inclusive as our audience, so that our attendees can see themselves in the program and can see themselves as future WIE ILC speakers. For more information, click on the title link.
Volunteer Wanted - A Unique Opportunity for IEEE Denver Section Members

Members of the Denver section have a unique opportunity to participate in the 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. The conference is coming to Denver on 17-21 July 2022 and we are looking for local volunteers to assist with the event.
Volunteers will come together with Power & Energy peers to perform a wide variety of roles including welcoming, directing people, assisting with sessions, and coordinating. Volunteers will receive a free hour of meeting attendance, excluding paid events, for every hour of volunteer time. Lunch or dinner will be provided for volunteers taking two shifts back-to-back. Official Volunteer T-shirts and identification will also be provided.
Is it possible to share this opportunity with your section members and help promote it through your social media, event calendar, or Mile High Spark Newsletter?
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. More information regarding volunteer roles, requirements, and incentives is available here:
Thank you,
Erica DeProspo
Audience Development Associate
IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events (MCE) | 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA t: +1 732 562 2645 | |
Congressional Visits Day - Pictures and Notes
(Click on the above to open the PDF)
Conferences/Summits/Call for Papers/Workshops/Tutorials
2022 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT)
Virtual conference; 6 - 9 June 2022, Seattle, WA USA
We are pleased to announce the 2022 IEEE 12th World AI IoT Congress (IEEE AIIoT 2022), will be held during 6-9 June 2022. Unlike the previous years, this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic we will be hosting the conference virtually to maintain continuity.
The conference aims to bring together scholars from different backgrounds to emphasize dissemination of ongoing research in the fields of Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication. Research papers are invited describing original work in above mentioned fields and related technologies. The conference will include a peer-reviewed program of technical sessions.
All accepted papers will be presented virtually during the parallel sessions of the conference and the accepted, presented papers will be submitted for publication at IEEE Xplore® digital library (Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar). The full list of indexing and discovery services can be found at:
IEEE ComSoc International Communications Quality and Reliability Workshop (CQR 2022)
The CQR 2022 will be held 13–15 September 2022 in Georgetown, Washington D.C. physically and also virtually. CQR 2022 will bring together industry and academic experts to present and discuss communications quality, reliability and security issues as they relate to real world issues.
You are invited to submit a paper or poster describing innovative research results, problem solutions, experiences, and new challenges related to various aspects of QoS and Reliability.
Paper Submission Deadline: 3 June 2022 
IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
IEEE LANMAN 2022, a forum for presenting and discussing the latest technical advances in local and metropolitan area networking, will be held from July 11 to 12, 2022.
Speculative and potentially transformative ideas are particularly encouraged, as are studies reporting measurements from real-life networks and testbeds. Papers are solicited on any topic in networking. See the above links for more information.
Submissions are due March 31, 2022.
EMC+SIPI Call for Submissions for the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility,
Learn More
The 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Signal & Integrity (EMC+SIPI) is seeking submissions!
The 2022 symposium will be held 1-5 August 2022 in Spokane, Washington. In addition to the many technologies this conference covers that may be of interest to you, you are also eligible to receive the discounted IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society (EMC) Member rate to attend since you are a member of an EMC Sister Society.
Please see the above links for symposium topics and other pertinent information and registration.
If you have expertise in these areas, please contribute to the technical program! Learn more about all possible topics of interest and technical areas here.
Papers, proposals for special sessions, workshops, tutorials, experiments and demonstrations can be submitted using our portal:
Signal & Integrity is Now Open! Receive a discounted rate to attend as an EMC Sister Society member.
The Global Symposium on Millimeter-Waves & Terahertz (GSMM) will be held on 18 - 20 May, 2022 in Seoul, Korea.
GSMM is an annual forum for researchers, engineers and practitioners to present and discuss recent breakthroughs, innovations and emerging techniques in the fields of millimeter-wave and terahertz sensing and communications. This waveband is very important in various applications to improve industry and the advancement of the human life. Millimeter-waves & terahertz technologies are applied widespread to 5G networks, communications, measurements, medical care, biochemistry, and other fields. Under the symposium theme, New Wave Technology for New Normal Life, it will cover millimeter-wave and THz electronics, antennas, circuits, devices, systems and applications.
*Contact us* Email:; Website:
IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR)
The IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2022) will be held virtually and in person 6–8 June 2022 in Taicang, Jiangsu, China.
The main focus of HPSR 2022 – the 23nd edition of HPSR conference – will be to assess how breakthrough changes occurring to networks and telecom are affecting areas related to switching, routing, computing and communication networks in general.
We are soliciting original and thought-provoking works on big data, data analytics, cloud/edge services, and machine-learning techniques applied to networking, computing, switching and routing. Works on autonomous networks, 5G and beyond, IoT, Industry 4.0, social networks, satellite and space networks, cybersecurity, virtualization, and other advanced topics are also welcome.
IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids 2022 (SmartGridComm) 25–28 October 2022 // Singapore // Virtual
The 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm 2022) will be held 25–28 October in Singapore and online.
Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers using EDAS (under the track “SmartGridComm 2022”) on all aspects of communications, control and computing technologies for smart grids covered by the four technical symposia.
Paper Submission Deadline: 10 June 2022
IEEE Global Communications Conference
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 4-8 December. Themed “Accelerating the Digital Transformation through Smart Communications,” this flagship conference of the IEEE Communications Society will feature a comprehensive high-quality technical program including 13 symposia and a variety of tutorials and workshops.
GLOBECOM 2022 will also include an attractive Industry program, with keynotes and panels from prominent research, industry and government leaders, business and industry panels, and vendor exhibits.
Important Deadlines Symposium Paper Submissions: 15 April 2022 (23:59 EST) (FIRM) Workshop Paper Submissions: 15 July 2022
In addition to symposium papers, we are currently accepting submissions for workshop papers. GLOBECOM 2022 will feature a series of half and full-day workshops. The aim of the conference workshops is to emphasize emerging topics that are not specifically covered in the main symposia. Each workshop may include a mix of regular papers, invited presentations, keynotes and panels that encourage the participation of attendees in active discussion.
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor & Mobile Radio Communications; 12–15 September 2022 // Virtual
The 2022 Annual IEEE PIMRC will be held virtually 12-15 September 2022. IEEE PIMRC 2022 welcomes contributions reporting original research results in all areas of wireless technology as well as in applications, services, and business. Prospective authors are invited to submit technical papers of their previously unpublished work. All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore. Topics of interest should be included within the following Tracks: Track 1: PHY and Fundamentals Track 2: Networking and MAC Track 3: Practical and Experimental Systems Track 4: Applications, Platforms, and Business.
The 8th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WFIoT2022)
WFIoT2022 seeks submissions and proposals for original technical papers and presentations that address the Internet of Things (IoT), its theoretical and technological building blocks, the applications that drive the growth and evolution of IoT, operational considerations, experimentation, experiences from deployments, and the impacts of IoT on consumers, the research community, the public sector, and commercial verticals.
The theme for WFIoT2022 is “Sustainability and the Internet of Things”, encouraging the submissions of content aimed at growth of IoT across the world and the reduction of harmful and environmental impacts. The World Forum will be held as a hybrid event, accepting in person and virtual presentations, and will be conducted 26 October-11 November 2022.
Paper submissions for Peer-Reviewed Technical Papers are due 13 June 2022. All accepted Peer-Reviewed Technical Papers will be included in the proceedings (IEEE Xplore).

IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services
HealthCom will be held 17-19 October 2022 // Genoa, Italy. HealthCom brings together experts from around the world working in the healthcare field to exchange ideas, discuss innovative and emerging solutions, and develop collaborations.
Authors are cordially invited to submit their original papers within the eHealth area.
Paper Submission: 15 May 2022 Notification of Acceptance: 30 July 2022 Final Manuscript (Camera ready): 30 August 2022
Paper submissions shall be done via EDAS system using this LINK.
Journal Special Issues Available!
The best conference papers will be selected to be published in Special Issues of the IEEE Internet of Things Journal and the ComSoc-sponsored Journal of Communications Software and Systems. Further details about the Call for Papers are available here.

2022 IEEE 5th Future Networks World Forum (FNWF’22)
A Comprehensive Look at 5G and Beyond 12-14 October 2022, Montreal, Canada, with virtual option for authors
The 2022 IEEE 5th Future Networks World Forum (FNWF’22) — formerly the 5G World Forum — seeks contributions on how to nurture and cultivate future network technologies and applications through 5G and beyond for the betterment of society.
This will be an in-person event in Montreal, Canada, but authors of accepted conference papers may opt to present remotely.
Deadlines and Contacts for Technical Program:
Paper Submission: 15 May 2022 Acceptance Notification: 30 July 2022 Camera-ready Submission: 31 August 2022 TPC-Chair, Essaid Sabir, TPC Co-Chair, Halima Elbiaze, TPC Co-Chair, Gunes Kurt, TPC Co-Chair, Walid Saad, TPC Co-Chair, Francisco Falcone, Symposiums Chair: Mithun Mukherjee,
The 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2022) will be held 4-8 December as a hybrid event. Presenters may choose to present their papers in person in Rio de Janeiro and/or virtually. Presenters must provide their choice of presentation format after their papers/presentations have been accepted.
Themed “Accelerating the Digital Transformation through Smart Communications,” this flagship conference of the IEEE Communications Society will feature a comprehensive high-quality technical program including 13 symposia and a variety of tutorials and workshops.
Symposium Paper Submissions: 15 April 2022 (23:59 EST) (FIRM)
Workshop Paper Submissions: 15 July 2022

The 2nd Annual IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom) will take place 5-8 September 2022 in Athens, Greece.
Industry and academia experts are invited to submit papers on a wide range of research subjects, spanning both theoretical topics and system engineering.
The IEEE Denver Section is comprised of over 3600 engineers and technical professionals in the Denver - Boulder area.
Mission Statement Enrich the professional and personal lives of the Rocky Mountain Region members, developing them into valued contributors to society through quality programs, continuing education, career development and community service; in collaboration with IEEE, industry, government and academia.
IEEE-Denver, PO Box 18385, Denver, CO 80234